Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 02 - Out and About

I was out and about today doing some errands so I didn't feel hungry the whole afternoon but later this evening, it's a bit weird. I don't understand if I'm really hungry or just thirsty. My throat and lips are dry and my stomach is rumbling. I am so tempted to grab some cookies in the fridge but I kept on reminding myself that I must not. As they say... "Eyes on the prize." It's quiet hard as I am also feeling that I'll get a migraine attack, good thing that I'm okay now.

My morning still started with warm lemon water. I wasn't aware of the time afterwards that I forgot to have some breakfast so I just prepared Watermelon juice for lunch. I am hesitant with this juice recipe only because the main ingredient is watermelon. I think I developed some kind of sensitivity with this fruit because I feel bloated every time i'll eat it, not to mention that it also causes my stomach cramps. Anyway, here's the recipe for Watermelon Juice:

You'll need:

1/2 Watermelon

Lemon juice from 1/2 lemon

1/2 inch ginger (size is dependent on your preference)

Mint leaves (optional)

Ice Cubes

Chop the watermelon and remove the seeds. Process it in a juice extractor together with the ginger. In a glass, put the lemon juice and mint leaves. Pour in the watermelon and ginger juice and mix well. Serve with ice.

This recipe is very refreshing, perfect for the hot weather. It's very filling too. Luckily, I didn't get any stomach ache this time. Good night! :)

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