Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sample Room Haul: Palmolive Naturals Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo & Conditioner

I've been a member of Sample Room PH for quite some time now; it's just that I was only able to use my points yesterday for the very first time. 

So what is Sample Room?

Sample Room is a sampling site that banks on the power of free product sampling. It is an online community that changes your beauty-shopping pattern; and an interactive community where your opinions matter and where all beauty lovers are valued."

Often times, we would like to try certain products first so that we could decide if it is the one that we truly needed, thus, Sample Room’s tagline: “Try before you buy” and the good thing about it is that you can get samples for FREE!

The products featured on their website ranges from health and cosmetics as well as fragrances and beauty tools. They definitely have something for everyone to try.

So how can you get free samples? Just follow these 7 easy steps:

Step 1: You should be a member of Sample Room. Register an account with so that you can get an access to their featured products.

Step 2: Once you’re already registered, you’ll instantly get 100 points which you can use in availing free samples.

Step 3: Since you already have 100 points credited on your account, you can now start selecting the sample that you want to receive. Just make sure that there is an available stock for the product that you’ve chosen.

Step 4: After choosing your sample, you are now ready to check out. The points corresponding to the product that you’ve selected will be deducted on your available points. You need to fill out your billing details and make sure that your delivery address is correct.

Step 5: Choose a payment method. Although the samples that you’ll get on their website are free, you need to pay for the shipping and handling of the product. Don’t worry, the fee is very minimal. You can either use your credit card or over the counter payment through bank deposit.

*I only paid Php 100 for the shipping and handling fee as compared to the free samples that I’ve received which has a suggested retail price (SRP) of roughly Php 200!

Step 6: Monitor your account as they will need a day or two to confirm your payment. Your order status will be displayed on your dashboard and/or an update will also be sent to you via your registered email address.

*My order has been completed the same day after payment and I received my samples today! See? It’s fast right? J

Step 7: Review the samples you received to earn more points. Sample Room encourages their members to post a review on the samples that they get. You need to be honest and truthful in giving out your reviews based on personal experience while using the products. Sample Room has provided a set of guidelines for you to follow in submitting a review. Once your review has been approved and posted by the Sample room team, you’ll get an additional point. There are other ways on how you can earn more points such as referring your friends to Sample Room or by being a VIP member.

Is that easy?! J As mentioned earlier, I received my samples today. I ordered Palmolive Naturals Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo and Conditioner and I’m so excited to try it. I’ll post my review after a week so please look forward to it.

If you’re interested in getting free product samples or you would like to know more about Sample Room’s offers, just click this link SAMPLE ROOM PH or like them on Facebook: You can also follow them on Twitter and Instagram: @SampleRoomPH for updates.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 04 - Of Yacon Juice and Catching a Flu

Photo courtesy of

So here it goes, Day 04 is not as easy as I expected it to be. I planned that this will be a 60 days journey to juice fasting, however, I suddenly caught a flu. It could be because my body was not very well prepared for the program (unlike when I did the seven day juice fast last year) or it's all because of the weather. 

I woke up with a very bad headache and my body's aching all over. I still went on with my usual morning routine of warm lemon water. A couple of hours later, I'm already chilling and feverish. I try not to take any medicine because I wasn't eating for the past three days and it might upset my stomach. I thought of juicing Yacon instead as it might bring me some energy to survive the whole day. 

Yacon or earth apple is a root crop which is somehow similar to jicama in texture but is much sweeter in flavor. It is said that this tuber aids in regulating blood sugar as well as weight loss. It also boost digestive health so don't be surprised if you feel like you're having a diarrhea after drinking its juice (don't worry because you won't feel any stomach cramps).

I wasn't able to take a photo of the actual fruit and juice because it oxidizes soon as I peel it and I feel like it will not look good on my shots so I just grabbed a photo from the internet. Yacon is widely available in the Philippines and you could just get it at your nearest supermarket.

Going back to my condition, I've already succumb to flu and had to take medicine or it'll just get worse. By taking medicines means I needed to eat. I guess here's where my juice fasting will end. I'm still proud of myself as I was able to do it for three and a half days. I hope my readers won't get disappointed with me. I'll still do it after a couple of months and hopefully I won't get sick again.

I lost 5 kilograms after three days, though I know that it'll bounce back in a week. It usually happens after a fast but this time, I intend to stuff myself with healthy dishes and do more exercises. I'll update you guys from time to time and thank you for reading my blog. Ciao for now! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 03 - Quite Rough

Day 03 is kind of rough. I am now feeling the pangs of hunger and my whole body is aching. I am contemplating if I should change the fasting program into a three day  reboot instead. At my sluggish state, I still need to do some household chores which make it more difficult. Geee! I feel so tired. I'm aware that the critical days of the fast will be from the 3rd to 5th day so I should be ready right? I'd like to retire early tonight and just finish this blog entry tomorrow since I usually create drafts and post it the next day. 

Before I say goodnight to y'all, I'd like to share this juice recipe which I had this dinner time. It's yummy and refreshing so I hope you'll like it. It's called Pine Orange Surprise.

You'll need:

1 whole Pineapple 

1 Valencia Orange

Mint Leave (optional)

Ice Cubes

Peel and chop the pineapple. You can remove the core if you wish to. Process it in a juice extractor and set aside. Take out the juice of the valencia orange using a citrus juicer and remove the seeds. Mix both juices in a glass, put some mint leaves and serve with ice. My photo above doesn't have the mint leaves as I don't feel like putting any to it. :)

Pineapple is rich in bromelain which is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties while orange has vitamin C and flavanoids which also aids in healing he body. This juice recipe is indeed a good combination so you should try it!

*Please note that people who would like to try this kind of juice fasting program should consult with their doctor first especially if they are into some medication. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 02 - Out and About

I was out and about today doing some errands so I didn't feel hungry the whole afternoon but later this evening, it's a bit weird. I don't understand if I'm really hungry or just thirsty. My throat and lips are dry and my stomach is rumbling. I am so tempted to grab some cookies in the fridge but I kept on reminding myself that I must not. As they say... "Eyes on the prize." It's quiet hard as I am also feeling that I'll get a migraine attack, good thing that I'm okay now.

My morning still started with warm lemon water. I wasn't aware of the time afterwards that I forgot to have some breakfast so I just prepared Watermelon juice for lunch. I am hesitant with this juice recipe only because the main ingredient is watermelon. I think I developed some kind of sensitivity with this fruit because I feel bloated every time i'll eat it, not to mention that it also causes my stomach cramps. Anyway, here's the recipe for Watermelon Juice:

You'll need:

1/2 Watermelon

Lemon juice from 1/2 lemon

1/2 inch ginger (size is dependent on your preference)

Mint leaves (optional)

Ice Cubes

Chop the watermelon and remove the seeds. Process it in a juice extractor together with the ginger. In a glass, put the lemon juice and mint leaves. Pour in the watermelon and ginger juice and mix well. Serve with ice.

This recipe is very refreshing, perfect for the hot weather. It's very filling too. Luckily, I didn't get any stomach ache this time. Good night! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day 01 - An Easy Start

Day 01 is almost over and I really feel sleepy at this point. It must be the detoxification process kicking in. My day went as usual, though I sometimes need to fight the urge to munch on something!

I started my morning with a glass of water followed by warm lemon water which can aid digestion. As it also helps in flushing out toxins in our bodies, I will make drinking this concoction as part of my daily routine. Here's how I prepare my Warm Lemon Water:

You'll need:

1 Lemon

1 cup of  warm water

1 tsp. Honey

a dash of Cayenne Pepper

In a glass or mug, squeeze the lemon juice using a citrus juicer and remove the seeds, then add 1 cup of warm water. Make sure that the water is not too hot as the heat may destroy some enzymes from the lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of honey and a dash of cayenne pepper to taste.

For my lunch and dinner, I consumed all my green vegetables to make the mean green juice. I'll share the recipes in some other days. :). I kept my body hydrated with water and never really felt that hungry. No signs of headache so far which i don't know yet if it is good or bad.

This juice fasting/feasting program will  indeed take a lot of patience and discipline so i hope I can get through it. Goodnight!

Monday, January 4, 2016

60 Days & Beyond

Photo courtesy of

Hello everyone! My name is Ana Marie. I created this blog to document my life! J

You see, I’ve been blogging since 2007 and writing is somehow therapeutic for me. This time, I would like to share my travel experiences, product reviews, and most especially, my 60 days journey through juice fasting (or feasting if I may say) and living a healthy lifestyle afterwards.

I’m 33 years old, actually, turning 34 this year, FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD! Sounds familiar huh? If you watched Joe Cross’s documentary with the same title, then you’d know where did I get the motivation to do this fast. I’ve been through a lot of diet programs before, took a lot of diet pills and appetite suppressants but none of it worked. To be honest, I’ve tried juice fasting before and was able to survive for 7 days but due to my hectic schedule at work, I was not able to continue thus, I regained the pounds that I’ve lost and even doubled it! Currently, I am at 198 pounds to think that I only stand 5 feet tall. I was classified by the doctors as Type II Obese and have always been advised to lose weight.

I’ve been suffering from chronic migraine and skin asthma since I was in my teen age years. Mefenamic Acid and Celestamine has been my “vitamins” since then. I also got Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal imbalance which explains my irregular menstruation and constant bleeding. More than losing weight, I am hoping that somehow, undergoing a 60 day juice fast would allow my body to detoxify and heal itself.

I will be posting my day to day realizations while doing the fast, sharing note worthy information that might inspire others in doing the same. You may also check out some juice recipes that are worth trying even if you are not yet on a fast. I will also do a weekly update on my weight loss (if there will be any) so that I can track my progress in terms of measurement and numbers. I’ll include before and after photos if I can.

I know that doing this for about 2 months or so will not be easy, but hey! I already tried it before so I guess I can manage. Whilst on the program, I’d like to stay positive as possible so I wish you could give me your words of encouragement on the comment section. I would also like to know your thoughts about this program so you can share your ideas. In case you will have any questions, you can get in touch with me through my email