Friday, August 5, 2016

25 Random Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me

Hello everyone! I just feel like I haven’t introduced myself properly to you my dear readers so I decided to write this post. I also noticed that almost everybody who has a blog creates some random list and yes, you got it right, I also joined the bandwagon! A warning though, this post might bore you to death! If so, just click the “X” button on the upper right hand corner of your screen, but to those who are interested, get to know me better with these 25 whatevs facts about me.

1. I AM AN INTROVERT. Most often than not, I function properly when I am alone. So yeah, I’m not a snob or whatever.

2. I never had a best friend. I don’t know. I guess I’m not really good at maintaining relationships. 

3. I love reading. I have a collection of books from different Filipino authors, Paulo Coelho, Sophie Kinsella, etc., you’ll be able to find tons of eBooks on my phone as well.

4. I have a very poor eyesight that sometimes I wouldn’t notice you even if you’re already in front of me. Unless of course if you nudge me or say “uy”!

5. When I was younger, my parents thought that I will be a nun. We’re not Catholics though.

6. I am a pluviophile. I love the sound of the rain trickling on the roof. I find it very relaxing.

7. I used to be a heroine when I was a kid. Pink 5 from Bioman, pink mask from Maskman, and pink power ranger. Yes, I love pink back then.

8. I used to be a huge fan of “Ginebra”, a popular basketball team in the Philippines.

9. I only eat fish when it’s fried.

10. I’ve watched It Started with a Kiss and They Kiss Again (Taiwanese RomCom series) for more than 30 times each. Can you blame me? I’m a big ArJoe fanatic.

11. My all-time favorite Japanese Anime is Fushigi Yuugi and Sailor Moon. I’ve watched both of it dubbed in Filipino, English, and of course in Japanese but with English subtitles.

12. I listen to a wide array of music genres from all over the world which sealed my belief that Music is a universal language, you can enjoy it even if you don’t understand one bit of the lyrics.

13. I like tea more than coffee.

14. I love talking to kids. They’d tell you the truth even if it hurts you.

15. I took up Bachelor of Science in Biology in college because in my mind, I want to be a Marine Biologist but later on realized that the specialization is not being offered in the Philippines at that time.

16. I thought of never getting married. I should’ve hold on to that thought.

17. I was never a party addict, I prefer to be at the comforts of my home on a weekend.

18. I am a hopeless romantic, it just doesn’t look like it.

19. Most people would say that I’m pessimistic. Oh well, I beg to disagree. I’m just more into the realistic side of every situation.

20. I used to cry every time my mother wouldn’t allow me to watch Lois and Clark. Haha. Don’t judge me okay?!

21. I have a secret blog where I write my thoughts that I don’t want others to know. It was supposed to be a secret but whenever I post something on it, it will show my name as the author. Geez… I have yet to figure out a way to fix it.

22. My two biggest pet peeves are when I hear someone chewing on their food and when I encounter someone who doesn’t know the correct telephone conversation etiquette.

23. I am not adventurous when it comes to food. I will only eat it if I know what is it, what’s in it, or where it came from. Don’t get me wrong, that’s just the way I am.

24. I love listening to Electronic Dance Music (EDM) but I don’t know how to dance.

25. Finally, I don’t like chocolate flavored caked and ice cream.

So there you have it folks. I did have a hard time listing these items because I never really found myself interesting at all. Anyway, I hope you had fun reading this post.

See you soon!

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