Monday, October 31, 2016

It's A Wrap: October 2016

- Thank God that I was able to survive my third month at work. There have been a lot of issues, trials, and hardships but I’m still here fine and breathing. I want to give myself a round of applause for not easily giving up. I think I’ve matured so much over the last couple of years as I can already bear most of the uncomfortable situations that come my way. 

- Relationship wise, nothing really changed. Here I am, still struggling. I don’t know when I will make up my mind whether to stay or walk away.  It’s quite hard as this is not what is expected of me. Should I care about the things that other people will say? I thought that I shouldn’t mind them and just move on with my life. I thought I’ll just let them judge me as much as they want. They don’t know what’s happening anyway, they don’t know how it feels. Till then, I’m still here holding on even If I don’t feel loved anymore, even if I feel like I’m just an extra baggage.

- I want to travel next year once I have my leave credits instated. I want to go alone and find a peaceful place. A travel experience that’s going to be one for the books. An adventure that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. I’ll have to plan it as early as now so I’ll have everything covered. 

- I’ve been downloading a lot of Original Pinoy Music. I don’t know, maybe because I’m into watching Pinoy Big Brother lately and they usually use songs written and sung by Filipino artists as their background music. The video above is a song called "SILA" by SUD. I enjoy listening to it everyday.

- I hope that November will be better. Although I understand that there are things that will be more challenging in the following days, I pray that I’ll be able to overcome all the obstacles that will be thrown in my way.

See you soon! :)


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