Friday, October 14, 2016

Product Review: Clear Nose Gel Hut Mun Nose Pack

One of my skin issues are these pesky blackheads and whiteheads on my nose. I'm always on the lookout for products that would address this concern as it is a bit troublesome at times. I tired every nose strips and nose packs that I came to know until just recently, one of my favorite Youtuber recommended Clear Nose Gel Hut Mun.

Clear Nose Gel Hut Mun is a product from Thailand (English translation on the package is not available though.) which apparently can be used not only for your nose but also in some other problematic areas around your face such as your cheeks and forehead.

  • To open up my pores, I place a warm towel on my already cleansed face for about a minute or two.
  •  For hygienic purposes, I used a Q-tip to take out the product from its bottle and spread it on my nose area.
  • I cut the papers which are included in this kit in halves so that I can easily arrange it to fit my nose. I stick it onto my nose right after I applied the product.
  • Once the whole thing dried up, I remove the strips in an upward motion so that it can easily lift all the disgusting matter on my nose.
  • I wipe my nose with a clean towel so as to clean the area and to close the pores.
  • Finally, I would apply a little bit of moisturizer to avoid skin irritation.

The product smells like paste but the consistency is very runny thus, expect a messy application. I feel a cooling sensation after I applied it and there's also a little bit of sting but it's tolerable. The good thing about this product is that it's really effective in unclogging your pores as it lifts away the dirt and grime on your nose. Although you still need to use a comedone extractor so you can remove some stubborn blackheads. As I mentioned above, as this product can also be used in other parts of your face, please make sure you do a patch test first to avoid unnecessary irritations.

Clear Nose Gel Hut Mun is mostly available on online beauty stores but I got mine through Lazada. How about you? What products have you tried lately? Share your experience on the comment box below.

See you soon! :)


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