Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 04 - Of Yacon Juice and Catching a Flu

Photo courtesy of

So here it goes, Day 04 is not as easy as I expected it to be. I planned that this will be a 60 days journey to juice fasting, however, I suddenly caught a flu. It could be because my body was not very well prepared for the program (unlike when I did the seven day juice fast last year) or it's all because of the weather. 

I woke up with a very bad headache and my body's aching all over. I still went on with my usual morning routine of warm lemon water. A couple of hours later, I'm already chilling and feverish. I try not to take any medicine because I wasn't eating for the past three days and it might upset my stomach. I thought of juicing Yacon instead as it might bring me some energy to survive the whole day. 

Yacon or earth apple is a root crop which is somehow similar to jicama in texture but is much sweeter in flavor. It is said that this tuber aids in regulating blood sugar as well as weight loss. It also boost digestive health so don't be surprised if you feel like you're having a diarrhea after drinking its juice (don't worry because you won't feel any stomach cramps).

I wasn't able to take a photo of the actual fruit and juice because it oxidizes soon as I peel it and I feel like it will not look good on my shots so I just grabbed a photo from the internet. Yacon is widely available in the Philippines and you could just get it at your nearest supermarket.

Going back to my condition, I've already succumb to flu and had to take medicine or it'll just get worse. By taking medicines means I needed to eat. I guess here's where my juice fasting will end. I'm still proud of myself as I was able to do it for three and a half days. I hope my readers won't get disappointed with me. I'll still do it after a couple of months and hopefully I won't get sick again.

I lost 5 kilograms after three days, though I know that it'll bounce back in a week. It usually happens after a fast but this time, I intend to stuff myself with healthy dishes and do more exercises. I'll update you guys from time to time and thank you for reading my blog. Ciao for now! :)

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